Unlocked Apps
The below apps in-app subscription is unlocked for free of cost. More apps will be updated as soon we discover more apps. There is a chance that some apps that are not in this list will be auto unlocked when you install it on your own because our script auto unlocks them for you. So if you find any, kindly share the app name to us. Enjoy.
– Team AppTesters
To access the in-app subscription at no cost, please follow these steps:
1. Install the compatible application
2. Launch Egern and Start Egern VPN
3. Sign in to the application
4. Navigate to the subscription section and select “Restore Purchases.”
By adhering to these instructions, you will be able to activate the in-app subscription without incurring any charges. Should you encounter any difficulties during this process, please do not hesitate to reach out for further assistance.