Thank You!

If you are seeing this page, then it means your transaction was successful. Kindly provide your  device details so I can create a certificate for you. You will receive your certificate as soon as possible on your provided email. You can contact me if you have any more questions. Here is my Telegram.

Some General Questions

Visit to get your device UDID in seconds. Make sure you copy the correct UDID when submitting the details.

Certificates are typically processed in 4 working days, but they can be delayed due to high demand or system downtime on Apple’s servers. But rest assured, your certificates will be provided to you as soon as possible. 

We will send a confirmation to the email address.

When I add your device in one of my developer accounts, it gets Ineligible for XX amount of days, for example, 14 days or 30 days. So Basically this is type of a hold period for your device. It’s a process of apple and I have no control over that. But don’t worry. I will provide you a enterprise public certificate which you can use until your device gets eligible in the developer account. Once it eligible, you will get Lifetime certificate in your email.

Development Certificate will not give you apps notifications

Distribution Certificate will provide app notifications if the app (ipa) is properly made.

When you purchase a certificate, the spot in our Apple developer account is taken and can’t be reused. We have the sole discretion to give refunds on a case-by-case basis.

Since each device’s UDID is unique, you will likely need to place a new order. Apple prevents us from editing, replacing, or removing devices on our account.

Umm… of course not! Nice Try though.

As Apple warns, installing beta software on your device without registration “could put your device in an unusable state and necessitate an out of warranty repair.” Registering your device’s UDID ensures you can safely and legitimately activate iOS betas intended for developers.

Any Apple device can be registered. You can use your App Testers Certificate directly on your iPhone and iPad.

Forever… or until something bad happens.